In keeping in sync with innovative products that PRM offers their customers, we have sold a Motocut Q500 Pile Cutter to one of our valued customers who will use this together with their Movax Pile Driver for greater efficiency and productivity.
The pile cutter is a Finnish innovation, which is based on the manual cutting experience of hundreds of thousands of piles.
It is attached to the excavator, where it gets its power. Its ease of use and reliability are unparalleled. The world market does not have a similar device that would operate with diamond blades. The pile cutter displaces manual labour in physically heavy pile cutting work and also eases the burden of “White Finger Syndrome”.
The Motocut Pile Cutter offers flawless and uniform pile cutting results, is easy to attach to suitable 5-tonne excavators and due to its safe, compact size, it is suitable for all sites, and is easily transportable from site to site.
PRM say it offers a distinct competitive advantage for its users. For further information contact Mike Davis at PRM.